Death on the mission field

 Hello Folks,

My husband and I had working in Europe for 13 years. In Feb he died suddenly and unexpectedly.  I am totally shocked and trying to figure out what to do.  I know that I can not stay in the apartment I am in without more stable support for more than 6 months.  Knowing I have to move, I have to decide where.  I am not with an agency, and I now have to decide what to do and how to go forward.  Most of time has been spent on prayer and Administration. If anyone has any suggestions, idea, thoughts I would appreciate it.  Prayers are appreciated too.




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  • I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and support.  I am still really struggling.  I feel very lost and without direction although the Father has given me new connections and a few new ministry opportunities..  The two biggest issues at the moment (other than the ever present grief) are paying for Keiths funeral expenses and sorting out where I will live.  A friend of our ministry set up a crowd funding page.  I have no idea how it really works but you can find it here

    I really appreciate your continued prayers.



    • I waited to long to edit my post above.  I just wanted to say, if any of you are in south London and could help me with planning a memorial service in Welling / Bexley  area I would greatly appreciate any help.  You can email me at jesusgathering @

  • Dear Jeanne,

    I am so very sorry to hear of your loss and will be praying for you in this very difficult time.  Do you have a close friend or co worker on your mission field you can talk and pray this through with?  Or is there someone from your supporting/sending church who might be able to travel to you to do the same role?  When times are hard and decision-making even harder, it can help to talk and pray things through with someone who is in the same room.

    I know the usual advice is to make no major decisions for at least a year, but in your case it sounds as if this is not possible.  I will pray for wisdom and strength for you.   

    • That's heat-breaking, Jeanne! There is never any good reason for any of us to be unkind. Anyway, God is with us.
    • Hi Phillippa,

      Thanks for your prayers. 

      The short answer to your question is no. Our send church has not even responded.They dd not respond to anything about a memorial service.  I am totally astounded.

      I do have 3 friends in the US who are helping and prayimn with me.

      Folks we were working with here in Germany seem to have disappeared too. 

      So here i have no one. But I do have those who have been with me even before I was married..



      • I am so sorry to hear this - it must make you feel very isolated.  I wish I could be of more practical help. but I will keep praying and if it would ever help to chat, feel free to message me.

      • Dear Jeanne,

        I'm so encouraged to see how you are patiently dealing with the silence of the church and disappearance of former colleagues. Please don't lose heart. Kindly do a patient follow-up with them.

        May God continue to strengthen you and let your light shine for His glory. God loves and cares for you.

        • sadly John they do not want to be followed up with.  They made it clear they never want to be contacted again.

  • Hi Jeanne,

    So sad to learn of the loss. Praying that God would continue to comfort you and grant you the courage to move forward.

    God bless.


  • Hi Jeanne,

    So sorry for your loss. My prayers are assured. 

    My first thought is knowing how hard it is to make rational decisions in the midst of grief, so your temporary solution might be different to your eventual decision as to what to do longer term. That's better made after you've had a few months to adjust to life without your husband. Grief is a journey and I pray that you'll meet God in very definite ways along that journey.

    Being open and honest with your supporters may help them to help you too.

    God bless,


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