Current government legislation discriminates against all UK residents who engage in prolonged periods of humanitarian work overseas. On our return from 5 years in Zambia we found that we no longer had equal access to education, health and benefits which our fellow UK residents enjoyed. Officials involved with our case have recognised the injustice of our second class treatment and have been sympathetic to our cause but are bound by legislation. Therefore we have started a petition to have the matter discussed by parliament so that sympathetic MPs, like our own, can take action to redress the balance. In order for the petition to succeed it requires 100,000 signatures by 21/5/2017. Please sign the petition found at this address: and encourage all of your friends, family and contacts to do so as well. Please promote the petition any way you can to raise awareness. If charity workers come together perhaps we can make things better for those who have returned from serving abroad.
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Update ... Thanks to everyone who has taken action so far to sign and promote the petition. After we posted this message on the forum the number of signatories has steadily increased, but we are less than 1% of the way there. If you could continue your efforts to find signatories and promote the petition to others it would be a great help. We have begun contacting some of the major humanitarian charities to alert them to the issue, and their ability to take action through the petition, but if some of you could also contact organisations and groups which you know who might be take up the cause please do so. It doesn't harm to ask.