Language learning tools

We will be receiving a couple of new international staff on to our team next summer (and hopefully more in the future!), and are currently trying to put in place a few things to make sure we receive them well.


A couple of questions have come up re language learning that I would appreciate people's input on.


- Are there any tools out there to help assess what level someone is at in terms of language (most people coming in have at least some language, so we're not starting from zero)?  Maybe discover strengths/weaknesses?  Is this something language schools might be able to help with? 



- Ways of figuring out the best language learning environment for each person (language school, LAMP, etc)

I am aware of the Learning Style Inventory - anything else people have found helpful?




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  • Hi Bayta,

    I'm hoping that by now you will have seen this month's guest article, which is written by David Morgan of ETP, who should be able to answer your questions! See


    • Hi Mike


      I hadn't actually seen it so thank you very much for pointing it out!  Very helpful!



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