Introductions from those willing to mentor

Please introduce yourself here, including information such as:
A. Where you served.
B. What kind of work you did on the field.
C. What organisation you worked with.

Missionaries within the OSCARactive community will then be able to contact you directly and both parties can discuss possibility and suitability of mentoring.

If you don't feel equipped to offer to mentor the particular person who contacts you. Please consider praying for them until a more suited mentor is found.

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  • Hi I am Claire Bankole and I have been coaching and mentoring leaders officially for 3 years and unofficially for many more. Originially a peadiatrician I have spent the last 20 years in fulltime Christian ministry and living by faith. 

    I have worked the longest in the UK but done medium term stints in South Africa, Canada and Australia. Short term stints in South Sudan, Mozambique, Guatemala, and Peru. Provided training and support in Ghana, Nigeria, Albania, Greece. 

    Other than leading a ministry my work has involved youth work, community development, and training. In eary years I also did medical and relief work. 

    Mainly Fusion International but back in the day Tearfund, Latin Link, Iris Ministries, The Toybox Charity. 

    You can find out more and get in touch on

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  • My name is Rev Dr Colin Lamb. My wife and I served with New Tribes Mission in Papua New Guinea. Initially we worked in an indigenous language group in the Highlands. After learning the local language we were involved in starting a church, teaching literacy, Bible teaching and translation.  I became a Language and Culture Consultant and later became the field leader.  We were in Papua New Guinea for 17 years.

    On returning to the UK, we went and worked with churches in Latvia for seven years; We then returned to the UK and were involved in helping develop and teach the Cross Cultural Communications training course at New Tribes Mission College at North Cotes, Grimsby Lincs. I was teaching there for 10 years.

    For the last 10 years I was the pastor of an evangelical church near Rugby. I also serve as an independent Member Care provider.  

    We are now living near Grimsby, Lincolnshire; where I continue to be a Member Care provider and mentor missionaries.  I am involved in mentoring, teaching and training missionaries for Cross Cultural work here in the UK and abroad. I am available for de-briefing and counselling, and providing training.  My email address is

    Please feel free to contact me.  Colin

  • My name is Les Norman, I am happily married for 36 years, age 68, 3 adult children, and I am a listener, a mentor, writer, speaker, I follow Jesus in the Great Commission, I love solitude, walking, prayer, cars, camping, dogs, films, travel, and I have 41 years supporting men, women and their projects in world mission. You will find a free School of Mission and more about us at God bless you.

  • Hi, I'm Jeanne

    Collectively, my husband and I have served over 50 yrs on missions.  My husband in Spain fulltime and around the world in short-term stays as well as teaching seminars.  Most of his work was in church planting through house churches, however he also did field training for new missionaries and counseling (he is a qualified counselor) Before we were married I spent time in Italy and Ukraine mostly helping start Bible schools.  We are currently serving in Germany, where we have been for 10 yrs planting and encouraging house churches and those planting churches throughout Europe.  We are more than willing to mentor those planning to go to the field, as well as those struggling on the field.

  • A. Eastern Europe/Former USSR

    B. Leadership Development, Training for Local Churches, ESL Camps.

    C. Campus Crusade for Christ, Janz Team, TeachBeyond 

  • I'm Mike and I'm happy to help mentor anyone who feels that my experience and/or skills will be of benefit to them and their situation.

    I've spent around 10 years overseas in Madagascar, Uganda and the USA working as a pilot/engineer with Mission Aviation Fellowship.

    Since 1999 I have been involved in mission support work which has included setting up and running a Christian charity (OSCAR!), extensive website development work, fundraising, training mission workers (before and after their time overseas) and mobilisation/recruitment.

    Have also been involved in church planting, preaching and leading worship, both on the 'mission field' and in the UK. This includes leading Alpha courses in three different countries.

    Married for over 20 years with two teenage children. Currently based in Gloucester, UK.

  • Pastor Idohou A. Roland born in POBE, SOUTH Benin and is one of four  children from the union of Stephen and Cecile.  He started his ministry   in  Cotonou  at the  age of 23, when he served as the translator for 5 years in the Divine Grace Ministry.



    After graduating from living Word Bible School, he moved to Akpakpa.  In Akpakpa, upon receiving Ordination he continued his ministerial training under the leadership of Rev Odege Nnanna at Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Benin.



    After serving faithfully for three years under Rev Odege  Nnanna, Pastor Roland was assigned to The Evangelical Presbyterian church Bohicon, .  There he served as Residential Minister for 3 years.

     And later was lead by God to start he’s ministry in August 2008 call “SALEM Ministries”

    Today SALEM Ministries has only one local church due to the fact that the founder works for order organization to get money to sponsor his ministry. During the year 2009 Roland spent 10 months working with Mercy ships, got money and always come back each Sunday of the week to preach in his church. The local church is establishing on land that does not belong to us.

    We are able through the help of God to establish prison ministry in January 2010 with the help  of mercy ship field representative ,souls are save ;we started in my room in those day but today we have a place of worship provide by God

  • Hi, I am Cindy Rich . I am a nurse/Midwife. I served on the Thai/Burma border with O.M (mercy Teams branch) I was there for 2 years. I am back in the UK and have been for 18 months and am having to completely rebuild my life as my husband left me whilst in Thailand. He was a Pastor . There has been little help or support and all my family parents and children are scattered around the globe serving Jesus in Mission. I am committed to returning to SE Asia and am now refocusing on when and how to prepare myself.Would love a mentor to chat with and get to know, who can give me some Godly wisdom. I was a mission coodinator for my home church so am clued up on some of it but am dying to make friends with people who have a heart for mission.
  • Hi, My name is Ruth and I have been serving with YWAM for 12 years.  For the past 7 years I've been in South Africa, where I still live.  I still feel like a beginner in missions, but would love to share my experiences and be a listening ear to others starting out.  I've been involved in mission training programs, establishing a discipleship ministry for girls, and most recently getting my teeth into church planting and community development in the inner city.  I'd love to hear from anyone who wants to connect!


  • I don't feel particularly qualified for this, because my experience is limited, but anyway:  I spent 4 years in Paraguay with SIM, working in a Christian Early Years teacher training college, teaching English and doing teaching practice supervision, as well as a host of other things... I did some thinking and writing about being single while I was there - you can find my stuff on my blog if you're interested (link on my page).  I found working on the mission field very rewarding and would be glad to help mentor others who felt I had something to offer them... get in touch!
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