A place to discuss disability/health issues as they relate to mission.

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Article: 'Mental Health and Mission' by Susanna Morris

Article: 'Doing Mission with a Disability' by Ceri Longville

Related links: Hesperian books and resources

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  • I'm not sure, but I think this may be the spot to post this information. It certainly has to do with doing missions with a disability! My mission agency has just put up a webpage with a 22-minute video of God's story in my life. It is at https://us.worldteam.org/stories/video-details/bad-legs

    My personal goals for it are: 1) As a missionary story it will hopefully encourage others to join the ranks;  2) As a story of God's creating wholeness out of brokenness, my hope is that it can be used to point people to Christ.

  • We are running an introduction to mental wellbeing for cross cultural workers on 28th February at All Nations College.  A great opportunity to learn from health professionals with experience of member care and life overseas


    Mental Wellbeing: An Introduction for Cross-Cultural Workers
    Good mental health is vital to living well and thriving on the field at home or abroad. This very practical day is designed to equip participants wit…
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What issues have you faced with accessibility when travelling and how have you coped with them or worked around them? This would be a good place to share things like: Which airports and airlines have the best accessibility, and which ones to avoid. Tips on how you might get better accessibility (i.e. do they provide assistance if asked?) What you might take with you to help any potential problem situations. To get the ball rolling, here's a great website setup to provide accessibility reviews…

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Hesperian Health Guides

Hesperian, publisher of 'Where there is no Doctor', supports individuals and communities in their struggles to realize the right to health. They have developed other easy to read materials that are produced in many languages. These include 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health, and distribute many others. You can buy, download, or read from their website, or view resources by language to explore materials in…

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Insight Programme on Premier Radio

Every Sunday Torch Trust have a short programme on Premier Radio about faith and disability, called Insight.Patricia Douglas (member of this group) emailed me some questions about myself and my disability and interest in mission. The Insight team edited this to make it into a radio interview script. Patricia vocalised my part.You can listen to the programme here: 17th April 2011 - Ceri on Mission17th April 2011 - Ceri on Mission

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