What issues have you faced with accessibility when travelling and how have you coped with them or worked around them? This would be a good place to share things like:
Which airports and airlines have the best accessibility, and which ones to avoid.
Hesperian, publisher of 'Where there is no Doctor', supports individuals and communities in their struggles to realize the right to health. They have developed other easy to read materials that are produced in many languages. These include 20 titles,
I am the moderator of the Micah Network Disability Forum. The Micah Network (MN)website is being revamped and the new site will soon go 'live'. The different thematic forums will be hosted in the website itself.
This new website launched by AFDO & DRC has information and ideas on how to include Self Advocates in conferences. There is information for people organising conferences and for Self Advocates going to conferences. The site is written in easy English
Integr8 is the youth programme of Through the Roof,here to empower, equip and enable the inclusion of young disabledpeople in order that they can be a positive influence in the UK anddeveloping countries.
The Leprosy Mission Scotland has a staff who uses a hearing aid. It is becoming more and more difficult for him using the telphone and in meetings when there is ambient noise.
The hearing aid technician has told him that all he needs to do is 'turn t