The Leprosy Mission Scotland has a staff who uses a hearing aid. It is becoming more and more difficult for him using the telphone and in meetings when there is ambient noise.
The hearing aid technician has told him that all he needs to do is 'turn the volume up' (!), but that doesn't help as it just amplifies the ambient noise too.
I have contacted RNID and they are going to carry out a workplace assessment, but has anyone else any ideas that might help?
Jannine Ebenso
The Leprosy Mission International
Environment can make a big difference, even things like having a carpet down, more furniture and lower ceiilngs helps sound carry better.
I know this from being on the other side. I have a speech difficulty and people are much more likely to hear/understand what I say in a smalller room than in a big echoy one.
Also is there any way of keeping phone work down by using emails etc??
Just a bit of brainstorming there from me!
Speak to you later in the chat.