I am trying (with minimal success) to 'thin out' my library ahead of a probable move. It has started me wondering what are my top 20...top 10...top 5...?
So...if you were only allowed to keep FIVE books, which five would you keep? (Desert-Island-Discs style, you have a Bible in addition to the five!)
Wow, I'm late to this, but here's my list of 5 (at the moment):
I love the 'at the moment' - it does change continuously, doesn't it?! I know my list would look very different now, based on the books that have been most helpful in the past 4 years! (And I'm certainly not going to judge you for loving P&P - Jane Austen is one of my favourite authors)
Taken a while...Phillippa, but here are the five I'd seek to keep. [1]Eternity in the Hearts by Don Richardson, [2] The Crises of the Christ by G Campbell Morgan [3] Calvary Road by Roy Hession [4] Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Paul Brand/Philip Yancey [5] Keeping in Step with the Spirit J I Packer.
I read fairly voraciously so my annual total would be well over 52, but this year I am trying to read fewer books but spend more time thinking about what I read. Would be interested to see your reading list though!
After a LOT of thought and dithering, I have come up with this 5:
Calvary Road by Roy Hession
The Fight by John White
Knowing God by J I Packer
Hudson Taylor: God's Venturer by Phyllis Thompson
Equipped to Serve by Richard Bewes
But I am sure I will think of another 5 I can't do without next week...glad I don't have to do this for real!!!
Thanks for this challenge, Philippa. Will give some thought to it but in the meantime you might like to know of my annual challenge to read a book a week. Have reached 45 in one year but last year just 17. So slipping somewhat... am happy to send you my listing of the books read if you like. Also wondered if you might be selling your books on Amazon. Have seen a local charity doing this with good success and also a retired minister friend sold some 600 books in one year as he was down-sizing to a smaller home. Book Crossing is another channel to distribute your surplus stock and also Healthy Planet shops.... Kind regards, David