Subject: Doing Business in Hard Places - an invitation

The inaugural OPEN Huddle in the North Africa region will be held in Malaga, Spain 12-15 November, 2015.  The acronym OPEN stands for O-verseas P-rofessional E-mployees N-etwork.  OPEN is an informal network of individuals and enterprises doing for-profit business across cultures in difficult places, with a specific aim of seeing people's lives transformed by the gospel.  We are all doing (or want to be doing) BAM or B4T.  The 'M' and the 'T' are the reason we exist and we seek to integrate these with the 'B' part of our lives.  The OPEN network is loose, informal, but secure, and our main aim is to help and learn from one another to do business better and see greater transformation in our particular situations.  Membership and attendance is by invitation/application, and is open to all nationalities.  

Some of the activities of OPEN include coaching and assistance with:

choosing what business to do
business planning and startups
finances and book-keeping
how to handle bribery and corruption
sales and marketing
general business coaching
dealing with local employees and gov't bureaucracy
raising startup capital (OPEN can help you find investors for your business!)
mentoring you in your business leadership

OPEN has been organizing regional Huddles and other conferences in Central Asia, Thailand, Dubai, and Turkey for the past 10 years, and its members live and work in virtually every hard place you can think of.  If doing business with a transformational effect is at all of interest to you, then you certainly want to come.   Priority will be given to those working in North Africa, but attendance is open to others.  All attendees must be BAM practicioners or those who coach/mentor them.  Our primary speakers will be Patrick Lai, author of 'Tentmaking: The Life and Work of Business as Missions' and Bill Job, a successful business owner who has seen amazing transformation through his company in China. Bill will be sharing on his experience of 30 years as a tentmaker.  Patrick will be speaking on the inner and outer work of doing BAM/B4T, plus sharing on BAM/B4T best practices.  Patrick and his wife May, mentor an even dozen BAM/B4T businesses around the world.

Dates: 12 to 15 November
Place:  Malaga, Spain
Cost:   £130  (all inclusive price, including 3 nights shared accommodation, full board, conference registration fees, PayPal credit card payment fee.  Airport transfers not included.  This is the discounted price if you register BEFORE SEPTEMBER 15TH.)

To register for the first ever OPEN Huddle in N Africa, please write to Jack at

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