
  • Continuing to think about Fund-Generating ideas:

    One concept which I have found really helpful if to open an account for the desired funding project immeduiately you have decided to move forward with it. I sense this is a good step of faith. It is often amazing to see how the account builds up.

    A friend has an account called: The Raven Fund. Every saving made in daily life is added to this account however small. In a couple of years or so it has seen £700 come in and out to be a blessing to others.

    Right now, in Aero Hope we have opened an account to assist a young entrepreneurial potential pilot to travel to the States to commence his flight training. What a special opportunity to share in the future. If you or anhy friends would like to assist with this special fund, then let me know.






  • Have posted several fund-generating ideas on my website. You may find some of them helpful and of course, one idea often sparks another and so on...thus it worth sharing ideas.... Be pleased for any feedback.  Will give further thought to the idea as it is very relevant and a growing aspect of such trips that needs considering.




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