First off, is this a "thing"??
Our church youth leaders have organised a short term mission trip to Tanzania.
The team is comprised of young people and adults, and they will be gone for a couple of weeks this summer. It's all very organised and straight forward, and i know they have travel insurance of a sort.
However, as a mission support team, we are wondering if there needs to be some sort of liability cover for the church, as we are sending them. Something to cover us in the instance that someone is injured or worse while on the trip, and angry parents or family want to hold the church responsible.
A quick google has directed me to waiver forms that some missions organisations ask participants in short term missions to sign.
Is there something like this that would reflect UK law??
Any help or direction is much appreciated!
Was the travel travel insurance in the name of the church? Quite often now the church insurers will ask for travel insurance to be in place for overseas trips. Be sure that the activities are going to be covered on the travel policy if there is any manual work being done. Let your church insurers know.
Kind regards
I don't know. I will ask.
Are you asking whether the travel insurance policy is in the name of the church, or if each team member has their own individual policy, or if the group has a policy in the name of the group leaders but not linked to the church.
I know they have covered everything they will be doing, as in it covers the individuals going. We know our church's liability insurance will not cover anything outside the UK.
Yes - is the travel policy in the name of the church? A policy in the name of the church also incurs a lower tax of 6% rather than 20 for personal policies.
The travel insurance policy is not in the name of the church, rather in the names of the individuals going. I'm confident it's adequate to cover the team members for what they will be doing.
My question is more to do with covering the church itself. The individuals from our church have organised themselves into a team and are going out there and working under a UK based Charity called
So the question would be, is the church liable? Our role has mainly been supporting the team members spiritually, supporting their fund raising efforts, and giving them a platform and profile within our church body. The trip is being led by full time members of staff, but they are in fact joining another church and together working under Bread-Trust.
So would it be prudent for the team members to sign some sort of liability waiver?