Debriefing for Kids

At Redcliffe College, Sue Ingleby and I run a re-entry and debriefing service for mission workers. However, we don't currently do anything for the children (if there are any) other than advise their parents on other resources and things to watch out for. I occasionally get asked if anyone does debriefing for children. Does anyone know of folk who do this, or mission agency folk who might be able to help other children outside their agency?

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  • we offer debriefing and residential for whole families in Sussex. My wife is also completing her degree in counselling with a dissertation on member care for TCKs.  If you want to chat get in touch.  Rob

  • Hi Mike

    As you know, rekonnect is a great place for kids debriefing - done over time, with other kids and all in the context of lots of fun and games

    • Thanks Janet. I was more thinking if there was something we could use with the kids whilst their parents attend our 'adult' sessions.

  • Wycliffe do debriefs for kids - contact

    • Thanks Maggie. Will do.

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