For adult missionary kids or third culture kids and for those who work with them

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  • Personal Maths Tutor for MKs
    I have taught maths (and philosophy) for the last 20 years at my local school, and recently have started distance-teaching (via Zoom with a missionary family) at secondary school level.
    In my upcoming retirement, it is my vision to be able to teach maths to young people in missionary families where the parents (and local schools?) cannot adequately meet this need.
  • Greetings from Kitwe. We have been collecting useful information e.g. from Global Connections, Oscars, NHS and UK government sites about accessing universities in the UK for our son (who will finish his A levels in Zambia in November). 

    We would be interested to hear from other parents who have fairly recently gone through this process, their successes and failures with universities since they seem to follow their own pathways.
  • Dates and info for next year's TCK Re-Konnect holidays are now out. There's also a report from this year's events. See

  • Hi,

    My name is Jo I am studying for a Masters in Psychology at Oxford Brookes.

    My dissertation is  about TCKs experiences of identity formation when transitioning back to their parental passport country.

    I am currently looking for participants to interview. If  you or anyone  you know  might be interested do get in  touch.


  • Hi everybody,

    I'm an MK who has grown up and I'm now attending university in Wales. I'm studying Documentary Film and Television and I'm starting my last year in September; this means I've had to start thinking about the last documentary film I want to make before I graduate, and I've decided to focus on the lives on missionary kids. 

    I would like to look at families that have recently returned or are preparing to return to the UK, and what it means to be a stranger in your own country. Obviously this is a topic I know a lot about so I will treat it very sensitively. If you or anyone you know would be interested in participating or learning more about it, please message me or email me at 

    God bless,


  • Hi all, my name is Heidi and I am a missionary kid. I have just joined Oscaractive and am enjoying it so far.

    I grew up in India, England and Norway and have just finished writing a book about being a TCK. "Home Keeps Moving" is the book title...Ruth E. Van Reken wrote a great foreword....and it will be out in a matter of WEEKS! It is published in America by McDougal Publishing but will be available worldwide.

    My book is a more personal account of the challenges, experiences and perspectives of being a missionary kid. As I scouted the globe in search of more TCK literature, I realised there wasn't a whole lot out there and decided to write a book myself! I recruited a few TCK friends from near and far to add their stories too. I have set up a blog which explains a little more about it and will have updates on its progress:

    I would appreciate your feedback and hope you enjoy my book!
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Student Fees for TCKs

This is an ongoing issue that we have discussed on OSCAR before, but we've had the following request that adds a new slant to it: 'We have a missionary here in the UK who is from India serving here in the UK with his family.  His daughter is due to start university in a year and they as a family will have been here in the UK for 2 years.  This seems to mean that she will be considered as an overseas student.  Her family are paying National insurance.  Do you know if there is any way for her not…

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TCK Buddy

We've had a request from a recently returned missionary family to help them find a TCK buddy for their 13 year old son. He's just started High school in the North-East of England and is finding the transition of schools difficult, having spent most of his life outside the UK. Does anyone know of a boy in a similar situation who might benefit from having a TCK buddy? On the wider issue, if you want to discuss this sort of buddy system and how we might facilitate it, please also use this…

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Debriefing for Kids

At Redcliffe College, Sue Ingleby and I run a re-entry and debriefing service for mission workers. However, we don't currently do anything for the children (if there are any) other than advise their parents on other resources and things to watch out for. I occasionally get asked if anyone does debriefing for children. Does anyone know of folk who do this, or mission agency folk who might be able to help other children outside their agency?

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Colour Bible

We like to feature resources that can be used by missionaries in cross-cultural situations. One such resource used by a number of missionaries working with children, is the Colour Bible. It's a simple printed resource which consists of 10 stories from the Old Testament and 10 from the New Testament, each with text in basic English and a picture to colour in. The Messianic promise develops as you progress through the stories. It's the gospel in a nutshell, simple but effective. There is no…

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