
  • This week I take a look at 'What's all the fuss about Re-entry?' 

    Re-entry Fuss

    Re-entry - What's all the fuss about?
    Why all the fuss about re-entry, after all we’re just going ‘home’…. aren’t we? Well in some ways, yes but in many ways no. When you’ve lived in a pl…
  • This week I continue my reflections looking at 'timing and guilt' in Should I stay or should I go?

    Should I stay or should I go - the trouble with guilt.
    ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight…
  • The moral is ... listen to the alarms!

  • 'Downwind leg' is a flying analogy. It's when you're in the landing circuit taking a good look at the runway and planning your approach. Followed by 'Base leg' where you slow the plane down and line up with the runway, then 'Final leg' where you make fine adjustments and aim for your landing spot.Of course, you have to configure the aircraft properly and communicate with the airport/other aircraft what you're doing too. Don't forget to put your landing gear down or you get this horrible metal against tarmac scraping noise when you touchdown which could ruin your whole day!

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