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Article: 'A Ministry of Safety'

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Satellite phones for missionary and gospel work.

Our IsatPhone2 handsets have a single press assistance button and a tracking button.Our Inmarsat handsets bypass all ground communications and can be quickly configured to send a pre-written distress notification with your current automatic location to a number of pre-arranged numbers. You could also configure this to give a daily welfare update. The IsatPhone 2 also has an assistance button which, on a pay monthly plan, will contact GEOS International Emergency Response Coordination Center…

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Sensitive Emails

We recently came across some advice given to those writing to missionaries in sensitive situations. What would you add? Here is the basic list: Avoid using the following ‘Christian’ words, but don’t let this put you off communicating! Be creative, or you can use the following suggestions:Christian = like minded (person)Church = ch./where our family meetsPrayer = pr./talking/chattingMissionary = fieldworker/colleaguesmission org = the companyGod = our father/DadBible = the bookPlease don’t use…

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