A place to learn, discuss and pray about marriage issues and mission. This can be for those thinking about marriage, newly weds going overseas, those who have a cross-cultural marriage, or those with experience who can help others.
10 Members

Related Links

Useful links on the OSCAR website

Time for Marriage Marriage Enrichment Course for Missionaries


'Missionary Marriage Issues' by Ronald L. Koteskey

'In Love but Worlds Apart: Insights, Questions, and Tips for the Intercultural Couple' by Grete Shelling

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Cross-cultural Marriages

Anyone recommend any books on cross-cultural romantic friendships/marriages? This isn't just for those who meet their spouses on the mission field but perhaps also for those who meet someone from another culture in their home area. Books that explore the issues they might face would be good to know about. Then we can add these to OSCAR's book list.

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Marriage Counselling

An OSCAR user has asked the following question. Does anyone have any recommendations? Feel free to send them to mike@oscar.org.uk if you don't want to post them here. 'I am looking for marital counseling for a cross-cultural couple who have just moved to the UK after 25 years of ministry overseas. They are experiencing marital problems and are looking for a counselor who would take into account the dynamics of culture as well as ministry. They live in the North-West of the UK, so possibly…

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