Keeping safe in darker evenings

Last weekend in the UK the clocks went back to GMT. So evenings will be dark from now until late March. I guess for many of you in other parts of the world, it is your turn to enjoy longer days!

Dark evenings can cause anxiety for people living on their own - so I thought it might be good to put our heads together here and come up with some practical ways of keeping and feeling safe.

I'll kick off by saying I find it reassuring to keep my mobile phone on me at all times, especially when I'm driving.

You can also buy wind-up mobile phone chargers which give enough charge to make a quick emergency call. Amazon do them.  These maybe particularly useful in areas where electricity is unreliable. You may want to put it on your Christmas list :-)

If it gives us peace of mind, when going out to see friends we perhaps shouldn't be too shy/proud to say, 'Can I send you a quick SMS to let you know I'm home safe'.

If you are hosting a single person (especially a female), for the evening and they leave you late at night. I think it's a really caring thing to say 'please send us a quick text to let us know you've go home

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  • Sending a Text to a friend, or the person you have been with is a great idea and one that I use a fair amount, I also have found that getting to know the locals means that there are always houses that I can stop at if I have any problems with the car etc...

    Living in such a rural community as I do means that I am pretty much always driving, but even so knowing that there are people around who can help is great.
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