I'm looking at various choices for re-designing the OSCAR website. Have any of you got any suggestions or web agencies you think I should look at? I value your input and 'insider' knowledge!
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When we redesigned wycliffe.org.uk 3 years ago we used Frieze Design. http://www.friezedesign.co.uk/ They were helpful and the price was good. As this is the first time I've been involved in a redesign process I have no other companies to compare them with. Their deliverable was a number of templates so we haven't had any dealings with them since, apart from another template for http://eurotp.org and email templates.
Not sure if you are still looking, but I use squarespace and rapidweaver.
When we redesigned wycliffe.org.uk 3 years ago we used Frieze Design. http://www.friezedesign.co.uk/ They were helpful and the price was good. As this is the first time I've been involved in a redesign process I have no other companies to compare them with. Their deliverable was a number of templates so we haven't had any dealings with them since, apart from another template for http://eurotp.org and email templates.
Thanks Paul, that's helpful.