Vulnerability in mission is good. Ministry of some missionaries should be economically dependent on those being reached. Foreigners should use the language of the locals. In one fell swoop, neo-colonialism is gone …
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Harries, Jim, 2019, ‘Essential Alternative to Contemporary Missionary Training: for the sake of vulnerability to the majority world (Africa).’ Transformation, 00(0), 1-14. (OnlineFirst). https://journ

Harries, Jim, 2019, ‘Essential Alternative to Contemporary Missionary Training: for the sake of vulnerability to the majority world (Africa).’ Transformation, 00(0), 1-14. (OnlineFirst).

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Avoiding creating dependency in mission and development activities

Here's the conclusion to the attached article on dependency:Our world is very uneven. The old colonial powers enjoy deeply ingrained advantages in almost everything they do. This slant does not disappear when one engages in charitable work or in discipleship or evangelism.Cultural differences between Western nations and others are very real. Their mutual incompatibility resembles that of different sports. Training for and the language of one sport is of relatively little advantage in the…

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