Something to sing about: Where There Is No Doctor

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This video was sent by a volunteer with Slipstream International who is working in Kalukembe, Angola. The women in the video are holding their copies of _Where There Is No Doctor_ and _Where Women Have No Doctor_. She writes, "I spent a good part of my time in the outdoor kitchen with the women, helping them prepare food. One day a small group said they had a confidential question to ask. They asked me why, at the age of 50, i only have two children. When I ask them why they wanted to know, one by one they told their stories. As they went around the circle they shared their ages and how many children they have - 35 years old with 7 children, 37 years old with nine children, and so on. Then they began sharing about the challenges that come with bearing children in poverty - chronic hunger, lack of education for their children, repeated miscarriages and hemorrhaging, weakness and various symptoms that are worrisome - all this and the lack of medical care. They want to know how to practice family planning in a way that would not drive a wedge between them and their husbands. Using my english copy of WTIND [_Where There Is No Doctor_], and working through my translator I was able to share the birth control methods in your book, and how to combine the calendar, mucous, and condom methods to have the greatest chance of success. This was a method i used the first nine years of my own marriage so i know it can work. My husband also came and shared that is is possible and important to work together as a couple to avoid unwanted pregnancy. I promised to send them a copy of "Onde nao ha medico" when I returned to the states. They said they would work together to learn and teach others."

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