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'Finance for Living'

Stewardship have launched a new series of online papers under the title 'Finance for Living' to help and guide anyone in full time Christian ministry and, specifically, those raising their own financial support. The first three papers written by Myles Wilson tackle the subjects of 'Key Issues', 'How much is enough?' and 'To ask or not to ask?' more.

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More Steps on the Missionary Road

Hello, For those of you who've read 'Steps on the Missionary Road' I'm now planning  to post a weekly blog post callled 'More Steps on the Missionary Road'.  Do have a look comments welcome and ideas for further reflections on issues people struggle with; need encouragemen etc... always good :-)

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21st Century Missionary Dilemma

I am working as a missionary in a national-run organisation, in a non-leadership position. I completely agree with the stated values and vision of the organisation but I feel frustrated at work because of working practices that are not living up to these values and vision. I feel very strongly that the organisation has the potential to function much better than it does.I have not mentioned my concerns to the leadership because I am well aware of the damage that can be done by missionaries…

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Life on the field - Why is it difficult?

The mission field is the devil's playing ground, however, Jesus promised to be with us always. I love the way George Verwer puts it in his book "Out of the Comfort Zone" (pg 33) - " There are four warnings I often give to people who are considering missionary workFirstly your heart will be broken many times and you will face many disappointments.Secondly you will face financial pressures, battles and problems and also a wide range of differences of opinion on lifestyle and how money should be…

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