All Discussions (98)

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New ATOL Regulations

The CAA have reformed the ATOL (Air Travel Organisers Licence) regulations affecting mission organisations who arrange travel. Some churches are also questioning whether they are subject to the regulations.

A group of interested parties in the Christ

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TCK research

Hi Everyone,

I am doing a Masters in Psychology. My dissertation is on TCKs experiences of identity formation during transition back to their parental passport country.

If you have been a TCK and moved back please do get in touch for more information.


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mission matters

Hi friends I have recently joined this site and have sent out some friend requests mainly to those in UK. I have a heart for S.E Asia and have worked for two years on the Thai/Burma border but find myself back In Uk after pretty devastating circumsta

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Heated discussion! :-)

Here in the UK, it's been a little bit hot and sticky and I find it much harder to function! My thoughts go out to friends called to live in countries where it's extremely hot and humid for much of the year.

Do you have any tips for coping that you ca

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